Florida Keys Bike Ride
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Great hotels, fantastic scenery, a truly unique cycling experience 
"Cycling with PAW has been fabulous.."
"I am planning on doing it again.."
"This was a first-rate trip!"
Ken, you have done a wonderful job in selecting accommodations, breakfast and dinners. Ellen and I had a great time on the road and mingling with the crew and cyclists. Cycling with PAW has been fabulous. Keep up the great work.  -Bob Anguiano, Berkeley IL
I really enjoyed all the hotels and the meals were fantastic. Glad to see you are doing the same trip in 2014! I am planning on doing it again..hopefully in 2015. Hope you have it then. -Donna Hamm, Coralville IA

Dear Ken and Dr. J, Thank you for a wonderful opportunity to experience biking in the Florida Keys. All accommodations and rest stops were of high ratings. The climate, biking friends, and food made for an awesome vacation. Thank you again! -Jeanne Satori, Manitowoc WI
by Pedal Across Wisconsin  Established 1985
This was a fabulous trip! I hope you plan to repeat it!! It was my 12th bike tour, and I have gone on all types; hotel-to-hotel, state sponsored, large group, charity multi-day and camping trips. The hotels and food in Florida were excellent..the route was also awesome. This was a first rate trip all the way.  -Chris Redfield, Rochester NY
"Exceeded my expectations.."
I'm still telling all of my friends about the amazing Key West ride. Overall I thought the hotels and meals were wonderful & exceeded my expectations. It was very clear how much hard work your entire team puts into these trips. Thank you for making it such a memorable trip for me and my parents. I hope to go on another PAW bike trip!  -Jaime Latzman, Bloomfield NJ
"..an awesome vacation."
Read what riders say about the Florida Keys Bike Ride
"Had a blast"
Erin and I had a blast and we both were impressed with all the logistics you and your team put together. We look forward to another trip with you!  -Justin Hester, St. Charles IL